We have had a few customers asking the easiest way to cook bacon.  Well, the absolute easiest way is to have someone else do it for you!  OK, we hear you.  You want to do it yourself.  Well, in that case, we recommend baking bacon and we know the easiest way to bake it.

  1. Arrange Bacon on Cookie SheetArrange your bacon on a flat cookie pan.  We usually add tin foil to the pan before putting bacon on it.  This way we have an easy clean-up when we’re done.  Use as big as a pan as you have.  In fact, a big pizza baking pan would work too.  Sometimes you get more space on a round pan.
  2. Put the pan, with the bacon on it, in a cold oven.  That’s right, a COLD oven.  Basically, don’t preheat your oven.
  3. Set Temp at 400 and Time at 20Set your oven at 400° F and your timer for 20 minutes.   Turn on the oven at the same time you turn on your timer.
  4. Don’t open the oven until the timer goes off.  You should have perfectly baked bacon.  Of course, you can let it cook a little longer if you want extra crispy bacon.

Now, you know the easiest way to cook bacon!

We’re keeping Iowans, and Bacon Lovers,
on Top of the Food Chain!