John Jr’s Butcher Skills Highlighted on WHO’s Agribusiness Report
WHO’s news team came by B&B Grocery, Meat & Deli to watch John Jr, third generation family butcher, butcher carcass beef. The segment is highlighted in WHO’s Agribusiness report for February 3, 2012. Here’s the afternoon report that starts right off with the B&B Newscast.
Des Moines Custom Cut Beef and Pork
We still butcher beef the way our grandfather, and father did when they ran our family store. In fact, we can custom cut steaks (and pork) the way you want them cut! You can also order a half of beef, front or hind quarter of beef, or one of our thrifty meat orders.
Stop by or call us at 515-243-7607 to get your beef or pork butchered the old fasioned way!